A significant difference in approach was the initial approach to expose the Local interfaces nearly completely. In this second go there is a goal to provide a smaller set of Remote interfaces that remain robust yet are easier to use for the vast majority of integration use cases. It will de-emphasize administration and focus on operational aspects of integration. This set of remopte interfaces must support the CLI, as well as support as many of our known use cases as possible. A more general goal is to be able to build powerful applications, both automation and GUI oriented, on this set of services. Although, it is not the goal to be able to implement the full JON GUI on this set of services.
These remote interfaces will be made available via JBoss Remoting for Java clients, and JAX-WS (JBossWS) for non-Java clients (although nothing prevents a Java WS client as well, it's just not obvious what the need would be given JBoss remoting).
XxManagerRemote and XxManagerLocal interfaces will be implemented by the same impl XxManagerBean
Utilize the current impls while providing a more consistent, convenient, and cohesive remote interface.
Current locals have a lot of specific support for RHQ and lack consistency due to organic growth
Simplify API by providing simple services complemented by rich, multi-purpose counterparts for complex needs
Prefer paginated services
Other than login specific services, all services supply logged-in Subject as initial parameter for authorization
Carefully consider the needs for Administration services
Judiciously provide CRUD; I expect that certain Add/Create services will be needed. Not sure of the use cases. Delete/Purge probably less so.
Simple getters
Typically Provide getter by Id
Will not allow for optional data
To get optional data use 'find' or make a follow-on request for that specific data (if the service exists)
Convenience routines
Be very judicious since we can't predict what will be generally convenient
Only add if currently supported in SLSB and obviously generally useful
rich find is always possible
getAll as a standard convenience service
Rejected - too unconstrained
Avoid constructs tied to our UI implementation
e.g. don't expose things like: List<AvailabilityPoint> getAvailabilityPointsForResourceGroup(...)
Find Criteria
takes the entity and for supported fields, uses set values as search criteria
must be jdoc'd to explicitly define supported search criteria (fields, values (explicit, pattern, etc)
Optional Data
Allows the caller to specify (normally lazily loaded) data to be optionally returned.
Provides a consistent way to provide deterministic results
Embedded in PageControl with vararg setter
an Enum defined by the relevant remote interface of supported data
Ordering results
Required for all PageControlled queries
Will require us to consolidate field references across the query base
Objects or primitives (Integer or ints)
no real opinion, using primitives
Most remote services will throw a checked exception
One of the following RHQ Exceptions Create/Delete/Fetch/Update/Login/Deploy
Since Local and Remote interface have single imple they may share entry points, so no remote-specific exceptions
ensure as we go that the impls are actually handling/throwing exceptions as consistently as possible
No overloading, use different service names for each service within a manager.
More clear for various remote API invocation types
Better for CLI auto-complete
Use Case valueY(in)/#(in, use case number)/N(out)/M(maybe, proposed but no current use case)/
Status value = P(pass)/F(fail) blank indicates untested
Remote Interface |
Review |
Test Status |
Service |
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
AlertDefinition getAlertDefinition(Subject sessionSubject, int alertDefinitionId ) throws FetchException |
PageList<AlertDefinition> findAlertDefinitions(Subject sessionSubject, AlertDefinition criteria PageControl pc ) throws FetchException
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
2 |
PageList<Alert> findAlerts(Subject sessionSubject, Alert criteria, int[] resourceIds, long beginTime, long endTime, PageControl pc) throws FetchException
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
PageList<Availability> getAvailabilityForResource(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, PageControl pc) throws FetchException |
Availability getCurrentAvailabilityForResource(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId) throws FetchException |
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
PageList<CallTimeDataComposite> getCallTimeDataForResource(Subject sessionSubject, int measurementScheduleId, long beginTime, long endTime, PageControl pageControl) throws FetchException |
PageList<CallTimeDataComposite> getCallTimeDataForCompatibleGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, int measurementDefinitionId, long beginTime, long endTime, PageControl pageControl) throws FetchException |
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
8 |
void addPackageVersionsToChannel(Subject sessionSubject, int channelId, int[] packageVersionIds) throws UpdateException |
8 |
Channel createChannel(Subject sessionSubject, Channel channel) throws CreateException |
8 |
void deleteChannel(Subject sessionSubject, int channelId) throws DeleteException |
8 |
Channel getChannel(Subject sessionSubject, int channelId) throws FetchException |
8 |
PageList<Channel> findChannels(Subject sessionSubject, Channel criteria, PageControl pc) throws FetchException
8 |
PageList<PackageVersion> findPackageVersionsInChannel(Subject sessionSubject, int channelId, PackageVersion criteria, PageControl pc) throws FetchException
8 |
Channel updateChannel(Subject sessionSubject, Channel newChannel) throws UpdateException |
Enum ConfigurationType
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
AggregatePluginConfigurationUpdate getAggregatePluginConfigurationUpdate(Subject sessionSubject, int configurationUpdateId) throws FetchException
AggregateResourceConfigurationUpdate getAggregateResourceConfigurationUpdate(Subject sessionSubject, int configurationUpdateId) throws FetchException
Configuration getConfiguration(Subject sessionSubject, int configurationId) throws FetchException |
3 |
Configuration getPluginConfiguration(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, ConfigurationType type) throws FetchException |
3 |
Configuration getResourceConfiguration(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, ConfigurationType type) throws FetchException |
PluginConfigurationUpdate getLatestPluginConfigurationUpdate(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId) throws FetchException |
PluginConfigurationUpdate getLatestResourceConfigurationUpdate(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId) throws FetchException |
3 |
boolean isResourceConfigurationUpdateInProgress(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId) throws FetchException |
boolean isAggregateResourceConfigurationUpdateInProgress(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceGroupId) throws FetchException |
int scheduleAggregatePluginConfigurationUpdate(Subject sessionSubject, int compatibleGroupId, Map<Integer, Configuration> newResourcePluginConfigurationMap) throws UpdateException |
int scheduleAggregateResourceConfigurationUpdate(Subject sessionSubject, int compatibleGroupId, Map<Integer, Configuration> newResourceConfigurationMap) throws UpdateException |
3 |
PluginConfigurationUpdate updatePluginConfiguration(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, Configuration newConfiguration) throws UpdateException |
3 |
ResourceConfigurationUpdate updateResourceConfiguration(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, Configuration newConfiguration) throws UpdateException |
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
8 |
PackageVersion createPackageVersion(Subject sessionSubject, String packageName, int packageTypeId, String version, int architectureId, InputStream packageBitStream) throws CreateException |
8 |
void deletePackages(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, int[] installedPackageIds, String requestNotes) throws DeleteException |
8 |
void deployPackages(Subject sessionSubject, int[] resourceIds, int[] packageVersionIds) throws DeployException |
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
5 |
PageList<EventComposite> getEventsForResource(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, long begin, long end, EventSeverity severity, String source, String detail, PageControl pc) throws FetchException |
PageList<EventComposite> getEventsForAutoGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, long begin, long end, EventSeverity severity, int parentId, String source, String detail, PageControl) throws FetchException |
PageList<EventComposite> getEventsForCompGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, long begin, long end, EventSeverity severity, int eventId, String source, String detail, PageControl pc) |
EventSeverity[] getSeverityBuckets(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, long begin, long end, int numBuckets) throws FetchException |
EventSeverity[] getSeverityBucketsForAutoGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int parentId, long begin, long end, int numBuckets) throws FetchException |
EventSeverity[] getSeverityBucketsForCompGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, long begin, long end, int numBuckets) throws FetchException |
PageList<EventComposite> findEvents(Subject sessionSubject, long begin, long end, Event criteria, PageControl pc) throws FetchException
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
List<MeasurementBaseline> getBaselinesForResource(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId ) throws FetchException |
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
MeasurementAggregate getAggregate(Subject sessionSubject, int scheduleId, long startTime, long endTime) throws FetchException |
4 |
List<MeasurementDataTrait> getTrait(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, int definitionId) throws FetchException |
4 |
List<MeasurementDataTrait> getCurrentTraits(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId) throws FetchException |
4 |
Set<MeasurementData> getLiveData(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, int[] definitionIds) throws FetchException |
List<List<MeasurementDataNumericHighLowComposite>> getDataForCompatibleGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, int definitionId, long beginTime, long endTime, int numPoints, boolean groupAggregateOnly) throws FetchException |
4 |
List<List<MeasurementDataNumericHighLowComposite>> getDataForResource(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, int[] definitionIds, long beginTime, long endTime, int numPoints) throws FetchException |
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
MeasurementDefinition getMeasurementDefinition(Subject sessionSubject, int definitionId) throws FetchException |
7 |
PageList<MeasurementDefinition> findMeasurementDefinitions(Subject sessionSubject, MeasurementDefinition criteria, PageControl pc) throws FetchException
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
PageList<ProblemResourceComposite> getProblemResources(Subject sessionSubject, long beginTime, int maxResources, PageControl pc) throws FetchException |
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
void disableSchedules(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, int[] definitionIds ) throws UpdateException |
void disableSchedulesForCompatibleGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, int[] measurementDefinitionIds ) throws UpdateException |
void enableSchedules(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, int[] definitionIds ) throws UpdateException |
void enableSchedulesForCompatibleGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, int[] definitionIds ) throws UpdateException |
PageList<MeasurementScheduleComposite> getDefaultMeasurementSchedulesForResourceType(Subject subject, int resourceTypeId, PageControl pageControl) |
List<MeasurementSchedule> getMeasurementSchedulesByDefinitionIdAndResources(Subject subject, int definitionId, List<Resource> resources) |
PageList<MeasurementScheduleComposite> getMeasurementSchedulesForAutoGroup(Subject subject, int parentId, int childType, PageControl pageControl) |
public PageList<MeasurementScheduleComposite> getMeasurementSchedulesForCompatGroup(Subject subject, int groupId, PageControl pageControl) |
PageList<MeasurementScheduleComposite> getMeasurementSchedulesForResource(Subject subject, int resourceId, DataType dataType, PageControl pageControl) |
List<MeasurementSchedule> getSchedulesByIds(Subject subject, Collection<Integer> ids)
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
1 |
void cancelOperationHistory(Subject sessionSubject, int historyId, boolean ignoreAgentErrors) |
1 |
void deleteOperationHistory(Subject sessionSubject, int historyId, boolean purgeInProgress) |
1 |
void unscheduleResourceOperation(Subject sessionSubject, String jobId, int resourceId) throws UnscheduleException |
void unscheduleGroupOperation(Subject sessionSubject, String jobId, int resourceGroupId) throws UnscheduleException |
ResourceOperationSchedule scheduleResourceOperation(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId, String operationName, long delay, long repeatInterval, int repeatCount, int timeout, Configuration parameters, String description) throws ScheduleException |
GroupOperationSchedule scheduleGroupOperation(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, int[] executionOrderResourceIds,boolean haltOnFailure, String operationName, Configuration parameters, long delay, long repeatInterval, int repeatCount, int timeout, String description) throws ScheduleException |
M |
OperationHistory getOperationHistoryByHistoryId(Subject sessionSubject, int historyId) |
M |
OperationHistory getOperationHistoryByJobId(Subject sessionSubject, String historyJobId) |
1 |
PageList<ResourceOperationHistory> findOperationHistories(Subject sessionSubject, ResourceOperationHistory criteria, PageControl pc) throws FetchException
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
void addResourcesToGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, int[] resourceIds) throws UpdateException |
ResourceGroup createResourceGroup(Subject sessionSubject, ResourceGroup resourceGroup) throws CreateException |
void deleteResourceGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId) throws DeleteException |
ResourceGroup getResourceGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId) throws FetchException |
ResourceGroupComposite getResourceGroupComposite(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId) throws FetchException |
PageList<ResourceGroup> getResourceGroupsForRole(Subject sessionSubject, int roleId, PageControl pageControl) throws FetchException |
PageList<ResourceGroup> findResourceGroups(Subject sessionSubject, ResourceGroup criteria, PageControl pc) throws FetchException
PageList<ResourceGroupComposite> findResourceGroupComposites(Subject sessionSubject, ResourceGroup criteria, PageControl pc) throws FetchException
void removeResourcesFromGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, int[] resourceIds) throws UpdateException |
void setRecursive(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, boolean isRecursive) throws UpdateException |
ResourceGroup updateResourceGroup(Subject sessionSubject, newResourceGroup) throws UpdateException |
Stuff not exposed at this time:
group definition
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
Resource getResource(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId) throws FetchException |
List<Resource> getResourceLineage(Subject sessionSubject, int resourceId) throws FetchException |
PageList<Resource> findResources(Subject sessionSubject, Resource criteria, PageControl pc) throws FetchException
PageList<Resource> findResourceChildren(Subject sessionSubject, Resource criteria, PageControl pc) throws FetchException
void uninventoryResources(Subject sessionSubject, int[] resourceIds) throws DeleteException |
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
Subject getRole(Subject sessionSubject, int roleId) throws FetchException |
PageList<Role> getSubjectAssignedRoles(Subject sessionSubject, int subjectId, PageControl pc ) throws FetchException |
PageList<Role> getSubjectUnassignedRoles(Subject sessionSubject, int subjectId, PageControl pc ) throws FetchException |
PageList<Role> findRoles(Subject sessionSubject, Role criteria, PageControl pc) throws FetchException |
7 |
void addRolesToSubject(Subject sessionSubject, int subjectId, int[] roleIds) throws UpdateException |
7 |
void addSubjectsToRole(Subject sessionSubject, int roleId, int[] subjectIds) throws UpdateException |
7 |
void removeRolesFromSubject(Subject sessionSubject, int subjectId, int[] roleIds) throws UpdateException |
7 |
void removeSubjectsFromRole(Subject sessionSubject, int roleId, int[] subjectIds) throws UpdateException |
void addRolesToGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, int[] roleIds) throws UpdateException |
void addGroupsToRole(Subject sessionSubject, int roleId, int[] groupIds) throws UpdateException |
void removeRolesFromGroup(Subject sessionSubject, int groupId, int[] roleIds) throws UpdateException |
void removeGroupsFromRole(Subject sessionSubject, int roleId, int[] groupIds) throws UpdateException |
Use Case |
Status |
Service |
7 |
void changePassword(Subject sessionSubject, String username, String password) throws UpdateException |
7 |
void createPrincipal(Subject sessionSubject, String username, String password) throws CreateException |
7 |
Subject createSubject(Subject sessionSubject, Subject subject) throws CreateException |
7 |
void deleteSubjects(Subject sessionSubject, int[] subjectIds) throws DeleteException |
7 |
Subject getSubject(Subject sessionSubject, int subjectId ) throws FetchException |
c |
Subject getSubjectByName(Subject sessionSubject, String username ) throws FetchException |
7 |
PageList<Subject> findSubjects(Subject sessionSubject, Subject criteria, PageControl pc) throws FetchException
Y |
boolean isLoggedIn(String username) throws FetchException |
Y |
Subject login(String username, String password) throws LoginException |
Y |
void logout(int sessionId) |
7 |
Subject updateSubject(Subject sessionSubject, Subject newSubject) throws UpdateException |
h41. (Perhaps) notable exceptions to current API
Group Definition
Permissions stuff
Resource HealthSummary stuff
Remote Interface |
Notes |
AffinityGroupManagerLocal |
Not necessary, administration via GUI |
AgentManagerLocal |
Not necessary, administration via GUI |
AgentStatusManagerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
AlertConditionCacheManagerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
AlertConditionLogManagerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
AlertConditionManagerLocal |
Not necessary to see alert conditions, just alert firings/history |
AlertDampeningManagerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
AlertNotificationManagerLocal |
Not necessary to manipulate notifications |
AlertTemplateManagerLocal |
Not necessary to manipulate alert templates |
AuthorizationManagerRemote |
Logged in user will be denied services if they don't have the permissions necessary. Inspection of authorization information may not be needed. |
CachedConditionManagerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
CachedConditionProducerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
CacheConsistencyManagerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
ConfigurationMetadataManagerLocal |
Do we need to be able to update config, leaning against... |
ContentSourceManagerLocal |
Not necessary, administration via GUI |
ContentUIManagerLocal |
Not necessary, administration via GUI |
EmailManagerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
EntityManagerFacadeLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
FailoverListManagerLocal |
Not necessary, administration via GUI |
GroupDefinitionExpressionBuilderManagerLocal |
Not necessary, GUI support |
GroupDefinitionManagerLocal |
Not necessary, administration via GUI |
MeasurementCompressionManagerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
PartitionEventManagerLocal |
Not necessary, administration via GUI |
PerspectiveManagerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
ProductVersionManagerLocal |
Not necessary, administration via GUI |
ResourceBossLocal |
??? maybe need the ability to get an Inventory summary for the user ? |
ResourceMetadataManagerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
ResourceFactoryManagerLocal |
Not necessary, administration via GUI |
SchedulerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary |
ServerManagerLocal |
Not necessary, administration via GUI |
SystemManagerLocal |
Server impl, no exposure necessary ??? getVersion? |